  • 517 Niantic Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910
  • Monday-Friday
    8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Commercial HVAC Contractor Cranston RI

Commercial Heating & Cooling Cranston, RI

Our goal at Prime Heating and Cooling is to minimize cost and maximize comfort. We represent every industry from healthcare, retail, school departments and manufacturing, to industrial, government, and hospitals.

No job is too small. The one requirement all customers demand, however, is rapid response and expeditious resolution of the problem.

hvac services

HVAC Contractor for Heating in Cranston, RI

When contracting with Prime Heating and Cooling for your commercial heating needs, you will receive the services of highly trained technicians to handle all your heating needs. We specialize in complete boiler room replacements, repairs & upgrades utilizing all makes & model Fire-tube Boilers, Packaged Boilers, Non & Condensing Boilers, CI Sectional Boilers, Furnaces & Water Heaters. Our services include but not limited to: combustion efficiency testing, gas train repairs, circulators & pumps, tanks, pipe leak repairs, heat ex-changers, stacks & breaching, refractory repairs, preventive maintenance, etc. for steam, hydroponic, condensing & electric systems operating on natural & propane gas, and heating oil.

Ready to get started?

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HVAC Contractor for AC & Cooling in Cranston, RI

When contracting with Prime Heating and Cooling for you commercial cooling needs, you will receive the services of highly trained technicians to handle all your heating needs. We specialize in complete commercial HVAC replacements, repairs & upgrades utilizing all makes & model Rooftop Units, Split Units, Energy Recovery Units, Chilled Water Systems, Pumps & VFDs.

Call Now 401-443-6769 HVAC Services Cranston, RI